Medication at School Summary
If your child needs to take medication during the school day, please be aware of the
● Medication should be taken at home if at all possible.
● Medications needing to be given at school must be brought to and from school by
a parent/guardian.
● Medications must be in their original container.
● Medications must be accompanied by written, signed instructions from a
physician and signed/authorized by a parent/guardian. These forms must be
renewed at the beginning of each school year.
● Over-the-counter medications must be brought to the school in a new unopened
● Physician-written orders must match prescription instructions on the container’s
○ Tablets must be sized for proper dosage (e.g. cut in half, etc) prior to
bringing medication to school.
○ Students must provide their own measuring cup or spoon if indicated.
○ Medications will be kept in the clinic/office area for the student to take with
supervision or by the administration of trained staff.
● Parent/guardian may request permission for a student to carry and
self-administer their own emergency medications if written permission is
presented from the physician, the parent/guardian and administration evaluates
the request. A contract for self-administration/possession of emergency
medication form must be filled out and signed by the student and parent on a
yearly basis.
● It is the responsibility of the student to report to the office at the time the
medication is to be taken unless prevented by a disability or other reason.
● Refill of the prescription is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
● Expired medications will not be administered.
● Medications will be discarded if not picked up on or before the last day of school
or date determined by school building.